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About The Show:
Host Howie Mandel puts a hidden-camera spin on the "flash mob" concept. Mandel and hundreds of strangers will help special guests plan extraordinary surprises for friends, family members, loved ones or co-workers. These unknowing participants will be shocked and stunned by surprise performances that lead up to fantastic reveals that include a husband learning that his wife is pregnant, an applicant finding out that she got the job and a marriage proposal, among others.
Throughout the hour, the guests will be shown prepping for the event - rehearsing their routines and refining their speeches - all while receiving guidance from host Mandel. Then, on the day of the big event - with the hidden cameras rolling - the detailed plan comes to fruition.

About The Photos :


Real Wizard Gen ?

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Liputan6.com, Delawere: Fan fiction Harry Potter stories were surprised by the new findings based on the story, the witch turns the gene carried by each child. Andrea Klenotiz from the University of Delaware, USA, recently, wrote how the gene works witch.

Ability witch can be explained by a single autosomal dominant gene. It is caused by a trinucleotide expansion with non-Mendelian inheritance ratios thus providing genes witch ancestry. The process is almost identical to the normal gene mansuia.

According to his theory, the first "pure blood" wizards may be born of Muggle parents or human. However, Muggles can also result from mutations in genes that happens accidentally. One example of the character of Hermione.

Meanwhile, a more powerful wizard is likely to come from the lineage of family witches later formed.

In addition, it also describes two wizards could have a child who does not have magical abilities. It all depends on how many mutated genes inherited.

The study is expected to shed light on the fans of Harry Potter and the biologists who want to investigate new things. (News.au / BOG)



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Liputan6.com, London: Researchers found a new solar system similar to our solar system at this time. Media Dailymail proclaim, Thursday (26/7), the solar system has three planets orbiting close to their parent stars.

The solar system found with orbit telesekop super sophisticated parallel to the equatorial sun. "The researchers concluded the third planet in orbit transit system in the same plane, to one degree in the angle of inclination," said Roberto Sanchis-Ojeda, researchers.

Solar orbit was aligned with each other in some degree. The configuration is similar to our solar system and in contrast to the isolated hot Jupiter. New planets captured by the Kepler space telescope mission, with a tilted orbit altitude known as obliquities.

Until now, researchers are highlighting the conditions that determine the architecture of planetary systems. The climate is stable and suitable for life when a planet is in a stable orbit.

And it's beginning to look at the new solar system. Researchers hope the new solar system also have a life. (SHA)


Forbes top 100 most influenced woman in the world

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Forbes Magazine had just release top 100 most influenced woman in the world. some celebs got in the list, like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez.

Quoted from Contact Music, Every years Forbe always select women public figure who thought influenced for the world. Whether it's in politics, economics, technology to entertainment.

Germany Chancellor, Angela Merkel had been on first place. this is second time for 58 years old woman in first place on the list. In a second place, there is Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, first lady of US, Michelle Obama, stand on seventh place.

From Entertainment, there is Oprah Winfrey who finished on 11th. The Mother Monster, Lady Gaga was at number 14.

R & B pop diva Beyonce Knowles is in position 32, while Jennifer Lopez and Shakira, respectively occupied the number 38 and 40. Other celebrities are also included in the list of 100 Most Influential Women in the World is Angelina Jolie, Sofia Vergara, comedian Ellen DeGeneres as well as presenter and supermodel Gisele Bundhcen.

Made the prestigious list since 2004, and regularly released by Forbes each year. Criteria woman in the list is determined by visibility (public apparition) and a great influence on the economic aspect.



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Robert Pattinson and Jimmy Kimmel had a straight-up man-to-man talk tonight.
Meaning, Kimmel didn't even pretend that he wanted to ask Pattinson personal questions about Kristen Stewart.
Instead, there was a lot of discussion about cheap cars, getting caught in the middle of a "dogging" lot (we'll explain) and doing the dirty in Cosmopolis.

Robert Pattinson is looking good
A very charismatic Pattinson revealed that he is an avid Craigslist user and buys practically everything from the online buy-sell-and-advertise site.
"I buy everything off Craigslist...my friends, that's what I was initially looking on it for," he joked, and told the story of his latest venture to Chino Hills, Calif., to buy a car (he even tried to haggle the $2,500 price tag).
But, when he isn't driving around in one of his three cars, he chooses to ride a bike. However, his earth-friendly mode of transportation got him stuck in the middle of an awkward situation when he was passing by a "dogging" area. Which, apparently, is a place where men engage in sexual acts.

Are Pattinson and Leonardo DiCaprio planning a boys' weekend?
"I used to turn up at this parking lot lookin' at everyone like, 'Why are all these guys sittin' around in their cars all the time?' And I'm goin' there everyday kinda thinkin' nothing of it, coming out in my little Lycra pants, and one day there was a big raid," he said.
When it came time to talk about his latest flick, which opens in wider release on Friday, Kimmel made sure to bring up Pattinson's character's "prostate exam," which, the host noted, made R.Pattz look "upset."
"Someone was telling me about this vein that comes out of my forehead that only ever happens when very good things happen or very, very bad things," the Brit said, recalling the très David Cronenberg sex scene that goes down in his character's limo. "And I have no idea which one it's classified as, being f--ked."
Oh, he's so cheeky.


Sinopsis: Perahu Kertas


Perahu Kertas mengisahkan pasang surut hubungan dua anak manusia, yaitu Kugy (Maudy Ayunda) dan Keenan (Adipati Dolken). Kisah bermula ketika mereka berdua kuliah di Bandung. Kugy, yang bercita-cita ingin menjadi penulis dongeng, kuliah di Fakultas Sastra. Ia punya kebiasaaan unik, yaitu suka membuat perahu kertas yang kemudian dilarungkannya di sungai. Keenan, pelukis muda berbakat, dipaksa untuk kuliah di Fakultas Ekonomi oleh ayahnya. Bersama dengan sahabat Kugy sejak kecil, Noni (Sylvia Fully R), serta pacar Noni, yakni Eko (Fauzan Smith), yang juga adalah sepupu Keenan, mereka berempat menjadi geng kompak. Dari yang semula saling mengagumi, Kugy dan Keenan diam- diam saling jatuh cinta.Tapi berbagai hal menghalangi mereka. Tak hanya itu, persahabatan Kugy dan Noni pecah ketika Kugy, demi menjaga hatinya, tak datang pada pesta ulang tahun Noni yang diadakan di rumah Wanda. Keenan akhirnya pergi ke rumah Pak Wayan (Tyo Pakusadewo), seorang pelukis teman lama Lena, sekaligus mentor Keenan melukis. Dalam suasana hati yang gundah, kreatifitas melukis Keenan buntu. Luhde (Elyzia Mulachela), keponakan Pak Wayan, berhasil mengembalikan semangat Keenan. Seorang kolektor langganan galeri Wayan bernama Remi (Reza Rahadian) menjadi pembeli pertama. Ingin cepat meninggalkan Bandung dan lingkungan lamanya, Kugy berjuang untuk lulus cepat. Begitu lulus sidang, kakak Kugy yang bernama Karel (Ben Kasyafani) membantu agar Kugy magang di biro iklan bernama AdVocaDo milik temannya, yaitu Remi. Prestasi kerja Kugy cemerlang, dan menarik perhatian Remi.