Fashion Police: And the Winners Are...

Salma Hayek, Lea Michele Anthony/; Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Fashion Police Logo
Voting time is over for last week's polls.
Oscar de la Renta-clad Lea Michele just barely beat out Natalie Portman for best dressed. Hope that's a little boost for the actress, since Glee didn't win best comedy at the Emmys.
Meanwhile, Salma Hayek and her ample bosom in this random getup earned worst dressed. This babe is usually so classic and elegant, so we doubt we'll see her in this category again soon.

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Review: Going the Distance Doesn't Quite

Drew Barrymore, Justin Long, Going The Distance New Line
Review in a Hurry: Bicoastal curious? Then you might get off on this uneven romantic comedy, which flings its young lovers—after their fling—to opposite sides of the country. As a riotous comedy, Distance falls short, but it still racks up several miles for sweetness.
The Bigger Picture: It was only a matter of time before the current queen of rom-coms, Drew Barrymore, teamed up with on-again-off-again boyfriend Justin Long (Are they? Aren't they??). But as demonstrated by her best work in the genre (The Wedding Singer, Music and Lyrics), Barrymore needs a strong leading man who can match her comedic persona. While Long is an amiable guy—and flashes enough skin to give fans a Mac attack—he doesn't quite go the Distance.
Long plays record-label rep Garrett, who bounces back from a breakup by bonding with and bedding journalism intern Erin (Barrymore). The two embark on a six-week-only affair, since she plans to return to San Francisco for the fall semester, and he has his gig in New York.
Going the Distance, Charlie Day, Justin Long, Jason Sudeikis New Line Productions
When their summer-lovin' turns into something more meaningful, neither wants the relationship to end. They decide to try the long-distance thing. But exorbitant airfares limit their actual face—and other body parts—time, so they rely on lots of texting, Skyping, late-night calls, and even phone sex.
Presumably because of their past (current?) romance, Barrymore and Long have a cute, comfortable rapport, and the pic gets grounded when they're not together. Unfortunately, their characters just aren't very interesting. She wants to be a newspaper reporter; he digs indie bands and Top Gun, and—did I mention they're cute?
The laughs are hit-and-miss. There's a good gag involving sex on a dining room table and the reaction by Erin's uptight sister (Christina Applegate). But scenes between Garrett and his doofus buds (Justin Sudeikis, Charlie Day) drag on. Plus, the script sometimes strains to be edgy-funny by scraping the bottom of the taste barrel, with awkward bits about masturbation and oral sex. Definitely not for the whole family—keep the kiddies at a Distance.
The 180—a Second Opinion: Despite being a comedy, the film surprisingly taps into modern-day anxieties about the recession, unemployment, and demise of the newspaper and music industries


Robert Pattinson Goes On the Road

Robert Pattinson Kred/
After spending a guys' night out in L.A. last Friday, Robert Pattinson packed up and hit the road with a few of his pals, stopping first in Arizona on Saturday night and continuing on to New Mexico..
There was a bearded sighting of Rob in Santa Fe, where he told a restaurant patron he was road tripping with some guy friends.
Now where to, exactly?
We can't help but think he's heading out to see Kristen Stewart, who's filming On the Road in New Orleans.
Rob was spotted having dinner with a few friends at Galisteo Bistro Sunday night in New Mexico. There were a couple of excited fan tweets, and another girl who worked at the restaurant posted on her Facebook page how Rob was "very polite, quiet, undouchey and knows his wine."
Yup, that sounds like the R.Pattz we know and love! And apparently Rob is still truckin' on east...
Scruffy Pattinson, dressed in dark jeans, a dark gray tee, a white over shirt and baseball cap, was spotted out at a bar Monday night in Lubbock, Texas, where he took some pics with some very excited girls.
Rob and his boys were at Crickets Draft Bar and it eventually became so overflowed with fans, police came to escort him out the back alley where more girls were outside—some even in their pajamas they were so excited just to catch a glimpse of R.P.
Still, we're told by patrons inside the bar Rob was "very, very nice" to people who approached him. One guy in the road trip crew sang karaoke while Rob was bopping in his seat to Michael Jackson's "PYT."
Speaking of pretty young thing's, we're convinced R.Pattz is on his way to visit Stewart.
Stewart is scheduled to be filming in New Orleans until early next week, so if Rob is heading that way, why wouldn't he pay his gal a visit? He has been on such good behavior here in L.A.; he should be rewarded and get to see his babe and BFF.
Rob left Lubbock yesterday morning (some people claim to have seen him at an IHOP and at a Jiffy Lube) to get back on the road. We'll keep ya posted on where he goes after he's safely fled the area.


Bedazzle Party! Your First Look at This Season of Dancing With the Stars

DWTS, Audrina Patridge, Tony Dovolani ABC/BOB D'AMICO
Hear that? That's the sound of one last spangled dress being sewn together. And that can only mean that season 11 of Dancing With the Stars is truly underway.
That, and all the recently released photos of the partners striking poses that look completely natural on some and super awkward on others…
If only there was a way you could view them all at once, right? Don't worry, we're two choreographed steps ahead of you. We have the bright and shiny airbrushed cast photos for your perusal! You are welcome. And maybe our Dancing With the Stars cast gallery could help jumpstart your bets on who will be taking home the disco ball trophy and who will just be going on home.
Check out our Dancing With the Stars Season 11 photo gallery and prepare for a whole new season of blood, sweat, and spandex.

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Miley Cyrus Partying in Paris: Is She Too Young?

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Miley Cyrus Fame Pictures
Not only are Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene costars in their new movie LOL, but they're also party partners!
The two actresses, who are currently filming in Paris, hit hot spot VIP Room together on Sunday night, where Miley rocked a see-through shirt.
So was the 17-year-old breaking any rules by being at the club?
Nope. No word on whether the newly single starlet was imbibing, but the drinking age is only 16 in Paris. (And for those keeping score at home, Ashley is 23.)
Looks like Miley is doing just fine without Liam Hemsworth.
Twilight actress Ashley is loving the City of Light as well.
"I want to take my hotel room and replicate it at home. So romantic. Love Love Love Paris already," she posted on her Twitter.