Forbes top 100 most influenced woman in the world

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Forbes Magazine had just release top 100 most influenced woman in the world. some celebs got in the list, like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez.

Quoted from Contact Music, Every years Forbe always select women public figure who thought influenced for the world. Whether it's in politics, economics, technology to entertainment.

Germany Chancellor, Angela Merkel had been on first place. this is second time for 58 years old woman in first place on the list. In a second place, there is Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, first lady of US, Michelle Obama, stand on seventh place.

From Entertainment, there is Oprah Winfrey who finished on 11th. The Mother Monster, Lady Gaga was at number 14.

R & B pop diva Beyonce Knowles is in position 32, while Jennifer Lopez and Shakira, respectively occupied the number 38 and 40. Other celebrities are also included in the list of 100 Most Influential Women in the World is Angelina Jolie, Sofia Vergara, comedian Ellen DeGeneres as well as presenter and supermodel Gisele Bundhcen.

Made the prestigious list since 2004, and regularly released by Forbes each year. Criteria woman in the list is determined by visibility (public apparition) and a great influence on the economic aspect.

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