Real Wizard Gen ?

Label: ,, Delawere: Fan fiction Harry Potter stories were surprised by the new findings based on the story, the witch turns the gene carried by each child. Andrea Klenotiz from the University of Delaware, USA, recently, wrote how the gene works witch.

Ability witch can be explained by a single autosomal dominant gene. It is caused by a trinucleotide expansion with non-Mendelian inheritance ratios thus providing genes witch ancestry. The process is almost identical to the normal gene mansuia.

According to his theory, the first "pure blood" wizards may be born of Muggle parents or human. However, Muggles can also result from mutations in genes that happens accidentally. One example of the character of Hermione.

Meanwhile, a more powerful wizard is likely to come from the lineage of family witches later formed.

In addition, it also describes two wizards could have a child who does not have magical abilities. It all depends on how many mutated genes inherited.

The study is expected to shed light on the fans of Harry Potter and the biologists who want to investigate new things. ( / BOG)

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